Plantago orbignyana Steinh. ex Decne. accepted name for P. ovata
Family: Plantaginaceae
Synonyms: Plantago australis subsp. orbignyana (Steinh. ex Decne.) Rahn, Plantago australis subsp. pseudomollior Rahn, Plantago cumingiana Fisch. & E Mey., Plantago harbvegii Decne., Plantago hirtella var orbignyana (Steinh. ex Decne.) A. Gray, Plantago majorvar. runcinata Walp., Plantago orbignyana var. lasiantha Pilg., Plantago ovata Phil.
- Catalan: Saragatona de l'Índia
- Hindi: ईसबगोल Isabgol
- Arabic: لقمة النعجة
- Malayalam: ഇഷദ്ഗോൾ
- Marathi: इसबगोल
- Cesky: Jitrocel vejčitý
- Russian: Подорожник яйцевидный
- Sanskrit: Isabgolam, Snigdhbijam, ashwagol
- Gujarati: Udhamjeru , umto jeeru
- English: Flea seed
- Poland: Babka
- Arabic countries: Bidr qtn , Barhanj Blond psyllium, Buzar qatona, Common plantain, Hab zargah, Lisn al kalb, Qurayta, Rebla, Warak sabun masasah
- China : Ch-chientzu
- Japan: Obeko
- US: Plantago, Plantain
- Germany : Psillo indiano
- Iran: Spogel
Indications — Adenopathy, Atherosclerosis, Bacteria; Bleeding, Blennorrhea, Cacoethes, Cancer,Cancer, breast, Cancer, colon, Cancer, ear, Cancer, intestine,,Cancer, liver, Cancer, mouth, Cancer, neck, Cancer, parotid,Cancer, throat, Cancer, uterus, Candida, Cardiopathy, Catarrh; Chelation, cyclamate, Cold, Colitis,Constipation, Cough,Cramp, Cystosis, Dermatosis, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Diverticulosis, Duodenosis; Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Dysuria, Enterosis, Fever, Furunculosis, Gallstone, Gas, Gastrosis, Gonorrhea,Gout, Hemorrhoid, Hepatosis, High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar, HighCholesterol, High Triglycerides, Hyperglycemia, IBS, Inflammation, Low Blood Pressure, Mastosis, Mucososis, Obesity, Pain, Parotosis,Pharyngosis, Pregnancy, Proctosis, Psoriasis, Respirosis; Rheumatism, Sore, Stomatosis, Ulcer, Ulcerative Colitis, Urethrosis . Urogenitosis, Ulcer, UTI; VD, Whitlow, Wound. Source: Handbook of Medicinal Herbs
Plantago ovata seeds and seed husks as emollient, demulcent and laxative [ETHNOMEDICAL LEADS AND GOOD RAW DRUG HANDLING PRACTICES]
Ispaghula is stated to possess demulcent and laxative properties. Traditionally, ispaghula has been used in the treatment of chronic constipation, dysentery, diarrhoea and cystitis.Topically, a poultice has been used for furunculosis. The German Commission E approved use for chronic constipation and disorders in which bowel movements with loose stools are desirable, e.g. patients with anal fistulas, haemorrhoids, pregnancy, secondary medication in the treatment of various forms of diarrhoea and in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) has adopted a Community Herbal Monograph for ispaghula husk and seed. The draft monographs include the following therapeutic indications under well-established use: (a) treatment of habitual constipation; (b) conditions in which easy defaecation with soft stools is desirable, e.g. in cases of painful defaecation after rectal or anal surgery, anal fissures and haemorrhoids; and for ispaghula husk, (c) in patients for whom an increased daily fibre intake may be advisable, e.g. as an adjuvant in constipationpredominant irritable bowel syndrome, and as an adjuvant to diet in hypercholesterolaemia. [Herbal Medicines Third edition, Joanne Barnes, Linda A Anderson and J David Phillipson]
Seed and husk—laxative, diuretic, demulcent, bechic, cholinergic. Used in inflammatory conditions of the mucous membrane of gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract, chronic amoebic and bacillary dysentery; also in hypercholesterolemia.
Key application: In chronic constipation and irritable bowel. (German Commission E.) Also in constipation due to duodenal ulcer or diverticulitis (WHO.) German Commission E also noted that Blond Psyllium seed lowers serum cholesterol levels. It has also been shown to slow sugar absorption thereby reducing blood glucose. (ESCOP.) Use of Blond Psyllium husk up to six months did not clinically alter vitamin or mineral status in a review of eight human trials. It did not reduce absorption of calcium.
The seed contains amino acids including valine, alanine, glutamic acid, glycine, cystine, lysine, leucine and tyrosine; and a mucilage consisting of a mixture of polysaccharides composed mainly of xylose, arabinose and galacturonic acid; rhamnose and galactose are also present. The seeds also gave aucubin, the antibacterial principle. The seed coat contains fatty acids mainly linoleic, oleic andpalmitic acids in decreasing concentrations. The seeds show a liver protective effect on induced hepatotoxicity inmice. In China, the plant is used clinically to treat certain types of hepatitis (activity due to aucubin content). [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
437 Published articles of Plantago orbignyana